Sunday, January 20, 2013

Our lens, Our life...

Welcome to the first posting of Our lens, Our life!  Myself, along with my wonderful friend, Lauren, of  Lauren Davila Photography will be doing a monthly post of what our real lives look like through our lenses!  This was so much fun and I can't wait to do it again next month! 
 What I realized through my day yesterday was to slow down and enjoy life with my kids and these little moments that I caught them in will forever be a memory in my mind!  From bursting into Hayley's room as she was dancing, then coming back later to find her snuggled with her sister, to watching TJ pretty much have a lazy Saturday with his Xbox. No matter what they were doing it was great just to spend the day capturing little moments :)

Be sure to check out my wonderful friend Lauren's blog Click here to go to Lauren Davila Photography

Fresh out of bed TJ went right to his Xbox

 Play-doh before breakfast!!  Sure, why not?

Finally someone who eats breakfast first!
Maddy's little hideaway
"I can do it myself"
Dancing queen
One, two, three......
Sisters make the best friends
And then came the bounce house.....
Always snacking

Yes, he is still playing 
Boredom at its finest

Too cold to stay at the playground long
Gumball before dinner, sure why not
Ice cream is better when its with grammy
Finally, I lured him away from his games :)  Handed the camera off to my husband and he actually got a good shot!
Finally time for bed as Maddy reads her version of the Jesus Storybook bible to me :)